Passion, Beauty, and Just Ahhh...

In the world of eating, how often is it that one comes across perfection in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Granted, these sandwiches are generally amazing, no matter the brand of peanut butter or the flavor of jelly. Not only are they astoundingly easy to make, they're delicious to boot. In fact, every time you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of another person, you spark jealousy. I'm not even kidding.

Now, imagine that among all the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the world, you have one that will trump them all. No more is mere jealousy involved. No. A path will be beaten to your door for this sandwich, it's so amazing.

07 peterpanIt's almost too good to be true, and believe me, upon eating this version of that delightful mix between two slices of bread, you'll swear that you just reached nirvana. By now, your mouth is probably watering, and you want to know what on earth could possibly be this good. The answer is this: Peter Pan Honey Roast Crunchy Peanut Butter. Here's a picture. It's the one on the right:

So wait are you waiting for? Go straight to the store and get this stuff, along with your favorite jelly (my favorite happens to strawberry preserves, not jelly) and a loaf of bread, and go on a picnic lunch/dinner/snack. Once you do, you'll never be the same. Trust me.