Thought I’d forgotten about it, did you? Well, I didn’t. Here is the next installment of 33 Things, my continuing blog concerning random things about me. If you missed the others, check out #1-2 and #3-5.
In the grand state of New Mexico, fall is still in full swing, and getting more awesome every day, in my opinion. I have never been able to pick a favorite season, mostly because every season has some aspect(s) that I love. I love nature, and in the fall, the changing of colors forever astounds me. Coupled with a desert sunset, the colors of fall are breathtaking. Now, though, most of the leaves have fallen, and trees are barren. But lo, there are leaves everywhere! I’m convinced that there is no better therapy than crunching through a big pile of leaves. I love stepping through them, kicking them, picking them up and throwing them over my head. Troubled thoughts subside, and suddenly the only thing that matters is that I feel alive, and the leaves make me happy.
In the past, I’ve alluded to the fact that I love music. My latest obsession has been a song by a group from Austin called And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead. They just came out with a new CD, and the first song I heard from it, called “Wasted State of Mind,” got me completely hooked. Something about the intense drum rhythms that start the song, and lyrics that are simple but powerful, just gets me every time: Caught in a stasis, feels like I’m wasting all this time…
Last weekend I was at the grocery, and on a whim decided to buy potato bread instead of my usual wheat bread. I’ve had it before, and always enjoyed it, but for some reason had never bought it. I now know why. Potato bread is so amazing that, I kid you not, the entire loaf was gone (including the ends) in less than three days. Mind you, I was the only one eating it. What can I say? When you stumble upon bread that good, eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is the only viable option. It’s maddeningly delicious.
*You were no doubt wondering about the picture, and marveling at its beauty. It was taken by yours truly on a beautiful November afternoon in Albuquerque.