Muchas Gracias!

I realize that, to some, now that Thursday has come and gone, Thanksgiving is out of the picture. But as someone still in school, the holiday has not yet passed in my mind. I continue to give thanks for everything in my life, including this much-needed break from the rigors (read: annoyances) of study.

But let us cast aside the usual things for which we are all thankful. I don't mean literally (I try to not take too much in life for granted), but rather for the sake of this discussion. You'll soon understand why.

This weekend, I have been fortunate enough to get something that's been missing in my life as of late. It has eluded me, taunting me at inappropriate times, and has at times been a great distraction. At long last, the unattainable has been attained, and it feels like a breath of fresh air.

First Wednesday, then Thursday, then Friday, all too wonderful to describe in words. I tell you, there's nothing quite like filling that void, and at last being free! And so it was, that with a certain thrill of excitement, I climbed into bed Wednesday night, closed my eyes, and surrendered myself to sleep. It was glorious.

I'm a new man. Getting to sleep in every day this weekend has renewed my energy, and given a much needed boost to my spirits. It seems amazing to me that sleep can make such a difference, and suddenly anything seems possible. The huge amounts of work I have left to do before I graduate in three weeks still looms over me, but I feel I can more readily accomplish it now that the secret weapon of slumber has been deployed.

So yes, I am thankful for sleep. And to the world, I say: bring it on.