In about four-and-a-half hours' time, I'll be heading back to Albuquerque. It's only taken me the better part of two days, but I I'm finally ready. As with most trips I take, I didn't realize until about 10 o'clock this evening just how much shit I had still to do to prepare myself. In no particular order, here's a few signs you know I'm traveling:
- I didn't start packing my clothes until around 10:30. It took me about 20 minutes to get it all done, only to realize that damn, my suitcase is tiny.
- I organized my room, which included picking up miscellaneous items from the shelves and floor and returning them to their proper place. This also included cleaning my dusk.
- It's about 3am and I can't fall asleep. No doubt I'll fall asleep shortly and then when I have to get up at 4:45 it's going to be a bitch to rub the sleep out of my eyes. No doubt I'll be sleeping on the plane.
I'm all set to go now, though, and have only to pack the last bits of stuff once I get up in the morning. While I had intended to clean the bathroom at least a little bit, between packing, organizing, meeting friends for dinner, and shopping and acquiring renters insurance, I just didn't find the time. I suppose I should feel guilty, but considering that I got dragged into my roommate's recent bout of domestic violence, I pretty much figure any issue she takes with me is instantly absolved, whether she likes it or not. And boy howdy, does it feel good.
Albuquerque, here I come.