@maique Feliz cumpleaños to tinyMovieStar! Looks like a day full of life and love.

@UndamnedOne Love this photo of you two! So much love and character in this snapshot of time.

@Miraz I had a feeling, and I really admire your compassion and empathy. And through them, I’m thinking of my own dogs I grew up with and the sweet memories they bring back.

@Miraz Thinking of Sasha! Thanks for sharing her with us, I’ve been quiet here and going through a lot lately but as ever have been grateful to be able to follow your adventures. Many hugs and all my best.

@manton You’re not alone. I was listening to a new-ish-to-me podcast called Sawbones (“A marital tour of misguided medicine”) and was delighted when the rereleased an episode for the holidays last year all about Home Alone. It’s quite a show.